Mezcal Tasting Dinner Party with award winning Chef Felipe Gaytan and Mezcal expert, David Suro, President of the Tequila Interchange Project. This post production fundraiser will feature: Mezcal samples and educational presentation about the history and culture of mezcal. Live music from the original score of The Mezcal Trilogy with Ernesto Vega. Silent Auction. Seating is very limited for this special event. Reach out to Stephanie at to find out how to purchase tickets and attend!
OCTOBER 18, 2016 Mezcal Trilogy Director Wins 2 Awards
Para Todo Mal...Para Todo Bien: The Mezcal Trilogy is a triptych of short films that are bilingual (Spanish and English dialogue) and center around mishaps that occur as a result of language barriers and cultural misunderstandings. In the three films, a bottle of mezcal (liquor from Mexico) is used as a prop and thematic symbol of the cultural confusions that occur when characters try to connect with one another.
Writer/Director Stephanie Gardner says, "My goal as a filmmaker is to use cinema as an artistic tool that helps bridge the gap of misunderstanding and intolerance between cultures. I have a special interest in Central America and the Caribbean because it is part of our continent: our closet neighbors, who should also be our closest friends. Now more than ever, I feel it is important to celebrate our similarities as neighboring societies and strive to better understand our differences. I believe cinema is a universal language and a powerful artistic tool to help achieve some of these goals."
Para Todo Mal…Para Todo Bien: The Mezcal Trilogy es un tríptico de cortometrajes que son bilingüe (con diálogo español y inglés) y es sobre accidentes que ocurren por que hay barreras del idioma y malentendidos entre culturas. En los tres cortos hay una botella de Mezcal (licor de México) que representa simbólicamente confusiones entre las culturas que resultan cuando los personajes intentan conectarse.
Escritora y Directora Stephanie Gardner dice, “Mi objetivo como directora de cine es usar el cine como un instrumento artístico para cerrar la brecha entre culturas y reducir al mínimo la intolerancia. Me interesa especialmente la región de Centroamérica y el Caribe porque que son vecinos de nuestros y, a la verdad, somos parte de un mismo continente y deberíamos llevarnos como amigos. Ahora, especialmente, siento que es importante celebrar nuestras similaridades como vecinos y tratar de entender mejor nuestras diferencias. Creo que el cine habla un idioma universal y es un instrumento artístico poderoso a para poder alcan zar estos objetivos.”
Party with Stephanie Gardner Films on the eve of the 89th Academy Awards! Join us on the red carpet to see the results come in and to help raise funds for The Mezcal Trilogy films. Activities include 50/50 raffles for each Academy Award nomination: the more categories you guess correctly, the more you win! ($1 per entry per category.) Optional: Best Dressed Contest. Prizes given to Best Dressed To Impress and Best Dressed, Statement Piece. Proceeds from this event will go towards post production of Para Todo Mal…Para Todo Bien.
Tickets $40 in advanced, $50 at the door. Includes: buffet dinner and 1 complimentary drink (wine, beer, or soda). Door prize given to the first 20 GUESTS TO ARRIVE. Cash bar. Advanced tickets at:
Disfruta de la fiesta con Stephanie Gardner Films durante los 89 Premios de la Academia. Únete a nosotros en la alfombra roja para ver los resultados, y ayudar a recaudar fondos para las peliculas de la "Trilogía Mezcal". Las actividades incluyen rifas de 50/50 ($1 por entrada por categoría) y concurso al mejor vestido. Habrá premios en dos categorías. Los ingresos de este evento se destinarán a la post-producción para las películas de la "Trilogía Mezcal"
Entradas avanzadas: $40. En la puerta: $50. Incluye: cena buffet, y una bebida gratis (vino, cerveza, o soda). Premio de puerta dado a los primeros veinte invitados a llegar. Entradas avanzadas:
Luego de cuatro días muy ocupados filmando en Allentown, PA, y unos meses antes de la preparación, hemos completado la filmación de Para Todo Mal...Para Todo Bien. Celebraciones ocurrieron en Fiesta Olé en Emmaus, PA el 16 de septiembre, el día de la independencia de México. Estamos muy entusiasmados de comenzar la post-producción.
After four vigorous days of filming on a set we built in Allentown, PA, and many more months prior for pre production, we wrapped filming of Para Todo Mal...Para Todo Bien. Celebrations ensued at Fiesta Olé in Emmaus, PA on Friday, September 16, for Mexico's Independence Day. We're excited to begin Post Production!
After several months of searching for the right editor, we found the perfect match to come on board to edit Para Todo Mal...Para Todo Bien: Part I. Danush Parvaneh graduated Magna Cum Laude from New York University, where he produced, edited and wrote several award-winning student films while pursuing majors in psychology and environmental sciences. After graduating, Danush entered the post-production world at Deluxe where he processed footage for major productions such as The Good Wife, Glee, and Men in Black III. Danush previously worked as a cameraman and editor at BBC World News, where his work reached viewers in over 200 countries worldwide. He currently works as an editor at Vox Media.
Después varios meses buscando el mejor editor para este proyecto, nos topamos con una pareja perfecta para editar Para Todo Mal…Para Todo Bien: Parte I. Danush Parvaneh se graduó de la Universidad de Nueva York, Magna Cum Laude, donde él produjo, editó y escribió varias películas premiadas, mientras estudiaba Psicología y Ciéncias Ambientales. Después de la graduación, Danush trabajó en post-producción en Deluxe, donde él procesaba filmaciones para grandes producciones como The Good Wife, Glee, y Men In Black III. Anteriormente, Danush trabajó como camarógrafo y editor para BBC World News, donde su trabajo llegó a ser conocido en más de 200 países. Actualmente, trabaja como editor para Vox Media.
18 DE OCTUBRE 2016 Directora de Trilogía de Mezcal
gana 2 Premios
"Mezcal, Movies, Music: Post Thanksgiving Post Production Extravaganza," featuring John Stetch, piano.
Music at 1PM, at a private home in Emmaus, PA. For more info and to attend the concert, e-mail
After Party at 187 Rue Principale 2PM-5PM with "Blind Date With A Movie!"
Escritora y Directora Stephanie Gardner regresá del festival de pelí, culas de Southern Colorado, con dos premios por su cortometraje, If I Had A Piano (I'd Play You The Blues): un premio del público y un premio para mejor la película narrativa. Que por ahora,
If I Had A Piano ha ganado cinco premios y ha sido nominado para cinco premios más en festivales de cine de todo el mundo.
Writer/Director Stephanie Gardner returns from the Southern Colorado Film Festival with two awards for her short film, If I Had A Piano (I'd Play You The Blues): the Chupacabra Audience Award for Narrative Filmmaking and the Jury Award for Excellence in Narrative Filmmaking. To date, If I Had A Piano has won five awards and has been nominated for an additional five awards at film festivals around the globe.
Oscar Viewing Party at Sugar Hill Jazz House in Allentown, PA. 39 S. 9th Street, Allentown, PA. Doors open at 8:00PM for a red carpet celebration of cinema. Tickets gain entry to the party, a buffet dinner, and one drink (beer, wine, or soft drink). Door prizes will be given to the first 20 people to arrive. There will be an optional Best Dressed Contest with prizes for winners in two categories: Best Dressed To Impress, and Best Statement Piece. Cash bar.
Advanced tickets at:
26 February 2017 Stephanie Gardner Films to Host Oscar Viewing Party at Sugar Hill Jazz House
26 febrero 2017 Stephanie Gardner Films para la Fiesta de Audiencia de Oscar en Sugar Hill Jazz House
Please Help us complete post production...
Por favor, ayúdanos a completar la post-producción


Filmmaker Stephanie Gardner will be at the Michael McCormick Gallery on Thursday, August 31, 2017 from 4p.m. to 8p.m. to discuss her latest film endeavor, “Para Todo Mal...Para Todo Bien: The Mezcal Trilogy,” a series of short, bilingual films about language barriers and cultural misunderstandings. The open house party is in conjunction with the launch of an IndieGoGo campaign to raise completion funds for the film trilogy.
The launch party is free and open to the public and will feature live music, along with film projections from Ms. Gardner’s previous works. Additionally there will be complimentary mezcal tastings and light hors d’oeuvres.
As part of “The Mezcal Trilogy” campaign, Ms. Gardner and her filmmaking team aim to bring awareness to the themes of the film trilogy through a community video project, #MezcalLiquidCourage. Ms. Gardner says, “Our aim is to connect people regardless of backgrounds, upbringing, languages, location, and despite all barriers. We are looking for personalized 30 second video toasts that describes a positive connection or moment had with someone from a different culture or background than your own.” There will be a camera set up at the Michael McCormick Gallery during the meet and greet to film the #MezcalLiquidCourage toasts, and anyone who participates with making a video toast will receive a free T-Shirt from the campaign. The film toasts will be linked to “The Mezcal Trilogy’s” IndieGoGo campaign and social media sites, along with the hashtag: #MezcalLiquidCourage.
31 August 2017 Launch Party in Taos!
Michael McCormick Gallery
106 Pueblo del Norte C
Taos, NM
Sunday, October 15, 2017
7:15pm - 8:45pm
Frank Banko AleHouse Cinema
ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks: 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem, PA 18015
On Sunday, October 15, Multi-Award winning filmmaker, Stephanie Gardner, will be at ArtsQuest presenting two parts of her exciting and ambitious project, "Para Todo Mal...Para Todo Bien: The Mezcal Trilogy."
"The Mezcal Trilogy" is a bilingual film series created by an international team of filmmakers to tell a story about two lovers coming together despite their language barriers. Cinema, like sexuality, is universal: "The Mezcal Trilogy" aims to bring people together despite
In addition to the films that are part of the Trilogy, Gardner will also be showcasing "The Mezcal Monologues," which is a series of monologues written while sipping mezcal and produced in conjunction with The Mezcal Trilogy, performed by Lehigh Valley based actors.
Following the films, there will be a Q&A and a talkback.
Tickets are available at the SteelStacks Box Office or online at Tickets: $10.00 regular | $8.00 student & senior | $7.50 ArtsQuest Member.
Sex and Mezcal: Bringing the world together one sip at a time.
"The Mezcal Trilogy's" Indie Go Go Campaign launch party at the Michael McCormick and Sons Gallery in Taos, NM is a Meet and Greet with Filmmaker Stephanie Gardner to discuss "The Mezcal Trilogy." The launch party is free and open to the public and will feature live music, along with film projections from Ms. Gardner’s previous works, including the multi-award winning “If I Had A Piano (I’d Play You The Blues),” a six minute Portuguese language “homage to sensuality." Additionally there will be complimentary mezcal tastings and light hors d’oeuvres. Free T-Shirt giveaways to anyone at the event who participates in the #MezcalLiquidCourage community video campaign. 4PM - 8PM. FREE ADMISSION.