Stephanie Gardner Films
If I Had A Piano, I´d Play You The Blues
s. e. gardner
in five movements
hints of truth
splatter concrete
we spend the night with IPAs
listening to Tito
¨Lovely Day¨
old habits die hard.
Plum lacy but minimal
my guarded belt.
Impossibility arises
when you dance
and I sing.
Neitzche´s Eternal Reoccurance.
we see everything.
our lens
in silence
you are real.
waiting at the stop
she neglects passage
Can I play wife again tonight?
Better lovers.
The air bites the magic off my lips.
She smells of applesauce and absynthe.
I don´t want to know who died.
My hand slips.
Tears crack the asphault.
We stop in at the bar around the corner.
Tomorrow begins again.
Inside the crevices
of your abstract
darkness disappears.
A screenshot.
I disappear.
You forgot what came before.
Moaning in the Music by s. e. gardner
Moaning In The Music, a poem written by Stephanie Gardner, was made into a film, silent except for the narration of the poem, and set to music by Paul Merrill. Paul performed the score live to the screening of the film on January 26th, 2013, at the Barrister's Club, as part of a fundraiser for Stephanie's film, And If I Stay.
View a clip of the live performance, below.
The moaning is in the music
the music is in the mind
the mind is over stimulated
the call comes right on time.
I sneak into your requiem
I slide into your mind
the heart feels so much lighter now
the heart feels undefined.
I plagiarize my poetry
we play the scene again
I plagiarize my own intent
of actions and pretend.
I´m hungry
I´m alive
I´m awake
I´m surprised
The moaning is in the music
but the music is in the mind.
The moaning is in the music
the music plagues the mind
the mind is drenched in alcohol
the body´s soaked in wine.
The wine-soaked sheets turn to blood
like Jesus on the cross
But I´m no Mary Magdalene
though he can taste my loss.
He penetrates my subconscious
despite our casual fling
he permeates the stratosphere
while others fail to sing.
From virgin to ho and back again
his charms reverse the clock
from ho to virgin and back again
he broke me on the spot.
The blood soaked sheets
the wine
the mind
it´s all a mess
I´m all a mess
I cry
you call
I cry
I fall
I cry
they yell
I cry
but where´s the comfort?
The sex
the noise
the hate
the boys
The love
the tears
the hope
the fears
It all collides
I fall
he calls
to hear
the moaning
in the music
but the music plays off key
the mind is so much number now
the body´s no less free.
The moaning is in the music
the music soothes the mind
the mind is so much calmer now
the heart is redefined.
You wash my tears
we lay to rest
I rest my head
against your chest
we hear the music
in your heart
a quiet beating
from the start
a gentle rhythm drums my soul
my mind is healed
your bones, restored.
Let’s hear the music
one more time
toast you and me
just one more time
boast you with me
Hell, one more time!
We’ll hear the music
in your mind
We’ll hear the moaning
one more time
you’ll touch the music
in my mind
The music
in the moaning
the moaning
in the mind
The moaning
in the music
But the music
is oh so wonderfully
in my mind.
He calls it romance.
I call it a slow absorption of confusing coincidences.
Pour into the subconscious periphery of miscellaneous titration.
Fracture this exceeding hunger.
The itch of your mind.
A silent moan.
Drowsiness delivers.
I sip the pollution of your kiss.
I'm yours.